What Kind of Keratin Granules Do China Hair Extension Factories Use?

China, a behemoth in the hair extension production industry, has a specific preference when it comes to the quality and type of keratin used in extensions. Unveiling this preference not only sheds light on industry standards but also emphasizes the significance of quality in the vast and competitive market.

China’s hair extension factories predominantly utilize Italian Keratin Glue Granules for bonding hair extensions. These granules are favored for their high purity, strength, flexibility, and array of colors that ensure seamless blending with various hair shades.

Discover the intrinsic allure of Italian Keratin Glue Granules, why they are the top choice for China’s hair extension factories, and the diverse palette they offer to match every hair shade perfectly.

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The Intrinsic Allure of Italian Keratin Glue Granules


Italian keratin holds a special place in the hair industry, and for good reason. But before diving into its unique attributes, let’s first understand what it truly is and how it comes to be.

What is Italian Keratin?

Italian keratin is a high-quality form of the protein that is naturally found in hair, nails, and skin. While “keratin” as a term refers to the protein structure, Italian keratin specifically speaks to a refined and pure form of this protein that has been optimized for hair treatment and extensions.

How is it Produced?

The production of Italian keratin begins with extracting raw keratin, typically from natural sources like sheep’s wool. This raw keratin is then subjected to a meticulous refining process in Italian labs. During this process, any impurities are filtered out, and what remains is a pure, resilient keratin product that’s prime for bonding hair extensions. This refining process sets Italian keratin apart from other variants, making it a gold standard in the hair industry.


Italian keratin holds a special place in the hair industry, thanks to several intrinsic features:

Purity: Post its refining process, Italian keratin offers superior adhesion, ensuring a more seamless look that’s unparalleled in the industry.

Strength and Durability: Italian keratin, being a refined product, offers a robust bond that withstands daily wear and tear, thus extending the life of extensions.

Flexibility: Its structural integrity ensures that despite its strength, Italian keratin remains flexible, making sure the bonds don’t snap easily, thereby preserving both the natural hair and the extension.

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Why China’s Hair Extension Factories Have a Soft Spot for Italian Keratin Glue Granules

In China, with its rapidly growing hair extension market, achieving a balance between volume and quality is paramount.It’s about presenting consumers with extensions that not only look natural but feel authentic too.

Italian Keratin Granules Commonly Used in Chinese Factories for U-tip, I-tip, Flat-tip, Micro Ring, and Nano Ring Extensions, as well as other custom hair extensions.

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And in this quest for perfection, Italian keratin emerges as a trusted ally. Here’s why:

1. Meeting the Quality Demands: Chinese hair extension factories are known for their stringent quality standards. With the domestic market being vast and discerning, these factories can’t afford to compromise on quality. Italian keratin, with its top-notch refinement, provides the surety of a product that meets these high benchmarks.

2. Positioning for the Premium Segment: The Chinese market, while vast, is also varied. There’s a significant segment that seeks premium products – extensions that aren’t just about length or volume but are a style statement. Italian keratin, with its luxury tag, helps factories cater to this upscale segment, giving them an edge in a competitive marketplace.

3. Bond Superiority: The robustness of Italian keratin granules ensures that extensions not only bond well but stay put. This strength translates to a product that withstands the rigors of daily life – an essential selling point for factories aiming to assure their consumers of longevity.

4. Extended Wear with Minimal Upkeep: Maintenance can be a deterrent for many considering extensions. With Italian keratin’s intrinsic purity, extensions last longer between salon visits, making them more appealing to the everyday user who values both aesthetics and convenience.

5. A Finish Second to None: In a market where the end look matters immensely, the almost invisible bonds formed by Italian keratin make extensions appear as natural as one’s own hair. This flawless finish is a huge draw for consumers and a point of pride for factories aiming for perfection.

In conclusion, Italian keratin isn’t just a choice for Chinese hair extension factories; it’s a strategic decision. One that resonates with their commitment to quality, their understanding of their diverse market, and their relentless pursuit of excellence.

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The Palette of Italian Keratin Granules: A Factory’s Guide to Perfect Matching

For hair extension factories, the choice of keratin granules is critical not only for the bond strength but also for the aesthetic appeal of the finished product. Italian Keratin granules, renowned for their quality, come in a variety of colors to suit the diverse hair shades. Here’s a closer look at the range of Italian Keratin Granules from a manufacturer’s perspective:

Clear Italian Keratin Granules: A top pick for factories catering to demands for extensions for lighter hair shades. Given their transparency, these granules ensure the bond remains virtually invisible once melted and applied.


Black Italian Keratin Granules: Factories producing extensions for deep brunettes or black hair shades often prefer these granules. They ensure that the bond discreetly blends with the natural hair, enhancing the extension’s overall appeal.

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Amber Italian Keratin Granules: These versatile granules, when melted, adapt with a clear appearance but with a hint of amber. They are a popular choice for factories as they can be used for a wide spectrum of hair shades from light browns to blondes.


Brown Italian Keratin Granules: Designed with medium to dark brown hair shades in mind, these granules are a staple for factories looking to offer extensions that blend seamlessly with brunette hair.

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Yellow Italian Keratin Granules: These are specifically formulated keeping in mind the golden or yellow-tinted blonde hair shades. Factories utilizing these ensure that the bonds merge unnoticeably with such hair tints.

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For hair extension factories, the ultimate aim is to deliver a product where the bond is as inconspicuous as possible. Selecting the right shade of Italian Keratin granules is paramount to achieve this. Factories often collaborate with experts or conduct extensive tests to determine the best granule colors for various hair shades, ensuring their final product meets professional standards and client expectations.

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In the realm of hair extensions, the choice of bonding material is pivotal. For Chinese factories, this decision is not just about aesthetics but also about quality, longevity, and user experience. Italian Keratin Glue Granules, with their unmatched properties and versatility, stand as a testament to the industry’s commitment to excellence and the relentless pursuit of perfection. This preference underlines the industry’s understanding of its market and the unyielding drive to meet and exceed expectations.


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Kaiser Wang

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