10 Things That Damage Hair Extensions

Hey there! Ever had that moment of sheer excitement as you flaunt those gorgeous hair extensions, only for them to get damaged way sooner than they should? Yeah, it’s a downer. But I’ve got your back. Together, we’ll uncover those sneaky culprits behind the wear and tear and, more importantly, how to fight back.

Here’s what’s damaging those beautiful hair extensions:

Harsh Chemicals: Compromise extension bonds.

Heat Styling: Weakens and dries out extensions.

Brushing Techniques: Improper detangling can cause breakage.

Over-Washing: Strips natural oils leading to brittleness.

Saltwater & Chlorine: Can discolor and dry out extensions.

Hair Products: Sulfates and alcohol can harm extension material.

Tight Hairstyles: Stress bonds and roots.

Sunlight: Prolonged exposure fades color.

Sleeping with Wet Hair: Can lead to tangling and matting.

Storage Mishaps: Improper storage leads to tangling.

Grab your favorite drink and get comfy. We’re diving deep into each of these extension enemies, packed with expert advice, and yes, those life-saving tips you’ve been searching for.

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#1 Harsh Chemicals: Not All Treatments Are Friends

Oh, the allure of switching up your hair game! Whether it’s going a shade darker, embracing the blonde life, or adding those perfect curls through a perm – it’s tempting. But, ever paused to think what those chemicals are doing to your precious extensions? Here’s the lowdown:

Hair extensions, especially those made of real human hair, have undergone their fair share of processing before reaching you. Now, when they come into contact with strong chemicals from hair dyes, perms, or even some straightening treatments, they undergo further damage. Think of it like this – you wouldn’t pour a can of soda on a delicate orchid, would you? These chemicals act similarly, often breaking down the proteins in your extensions and causing them to become fragile, lose their shine, and even alter their original color.

Moreover, some extensions come pre-colored and treated, meaning they’ve already been exposed to a certain level of chemicals. Adding more to the mix can not only change the texture but also shorten the lifespan of your extensions dramatically.

So, what’s the game plan? Before jumping into any chemical treatment, always have a chat with your hairstylist. They can guide you on the safest route to take, ensuring both your natural hair and extensions remain in tip-top shape. And if you’re thinking of coloring at home, it might be worth doing a strand test to ensure the product is compatible with your extensions. Remember, while it’s fun to change up your style, preserving the health and longevity of your extensions is crucial.

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#2 The Heat is On: Moderation is Key

Every time you reach for that hairdryer or flat iron, your extensions silently plead for mercy. The allure of sleek, straight hair or those mesmerizing curls is undeniable. But, at what cost?

Heat is, by and large, one of the biggest adversaries of hair extensions. Whether they’re clip-ins, tape-ins, or sew-ins, the story remains the same. The intense heat from styling tools strips them of their natural moisture. Just imagine leaving a slab of butter in the midday sun – not a pretty sight, right? The same goes for your extensions; without adequate protection, they can dry out, becoming brittle and more prone to breakage.

But here’s the kicker – unlike natural hair, extensions don’t regenerate or heal. Once damaged, they’re damaged for good. You might notice them looking dull, or their ends starting to split. They may even feel rougher to the touch.

Now, I’m not saying ditch the hot tools altogether. Instead, it’s all about finding a balance. Here are a few heat styling commandments:

Heat Protectant is a Must: Before styling, always use a good quality heat protectant. It acts like a shield, protecting your extensions from the scorching temperatures.

Choose the Right Temperature: Not all hair types require the same amount of heat. For fine or bleached extensions, keep the temperature on the lower side. For thicker, coarser extensions, you might need a bit more heat, but moderation is still crucial.

Limit Frequency: Try to reduce the number of times you heat style. Embrace natural styles when you can, or consider setting techniques that don’t require heat.

Quality Tools Matter: Invest in good-quality styling tools. They distribute heat more evenly, reducing the risk of “hot spots” that can singe your extensions.

Cool It Down: After styling, give your extensions a burst of cool air from your hairdryer. It helps to close the cuticle, adding shine and reducing potential damage.

At the end of the day, your extensions are an investment. Treat them well, and they’ll return the favor by looking fabulous day in and day out. Remember, while heat can be a friend in achieving those glamorous styles, it can quickly turn foe if not used wisely.

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#3 Brush Wisely: Not All Brushes Are Born Equal

When it comes to hair extensions, brushing might seem like the most basic of tasks, right? Well, not quite. The way you brush, and more importantly, what you brush with, can make all the difference in the world to those lovely lengths of yours.

Imagine draping a piece of fine silk on a thorny bush and trying to pull it through without snagging. That’s the kind of damage the wrong brush can inflict on your extensions. These hair pieces, especially if they’re made of real human hair, deserve the same TLC as the most delicate fabrics in your wardrobe.

Here’s the lowdown on brushing those extensions:

Start at the Bottom: It might seem counterintuitive, but always begin brushing from the ends and work your way up to the roots. This method reduces tugging and potential breakage.

Choose Your Weapon Wisely: All brushes are not created equal. For extensions, the wide-tooth comb is a tried and true classic. Its spaced-out teeth allow it to glide through the hair, detangling without excessive pulling. Another option is a specialized extension brush designed with looped bristles, ensuring it doesn’t snag on bonds, tapes, or wefts.

Be Gentle: This isn’t a race. Slow and steady wins the day. Quick, aggressive brushing can lead to unnecessary damage. Remember, unlike your natural hair, extensions don’t have the capacity to heal themselves.

Daily Detangling: Even if you’re not styling your hair every day, it’s a good idea to give your extensions a gentle brush. It keeps them tangle-free and looking their best.

Your extensions enhance your natural beauty, and they trust you to care for them. By brushing them the right way, you ensure they remain silky, smooth, and beautiful for longer. It’s a simple task, but with the right tools and techniques, it becomes an act of love for those luscious locks of yours.

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#4 Over-Washing: Preserve Those Natural Oils

While the feeling of freshly washed hair can be invigorating, it’s crucial to remember that hair extensions don’t benefit from the natural oils our scalps produce. The same wash routine you use for your natural hair might not be ideal for your extensions.

Think of your extensions as a delicate plant. Just as overwatering can cause a plant’s roots to rot, washing extensions too frequently can strip them of their innate vitality and luster. Here’s why:

Natural Oils Are Vital: These oils coat the extensions, protecting them from damage and keeping them hydrated. Over-washing deprives them of this protection, leading to dryness and potential breakage.

Sulfate-Free is the Way to Go: Sulfates are aggressive cleaning agents found in many shampoos. While they’re great for getting rid of dirt and grime, they can be a bit too harsh for extensions, stripping them of their natural shine and smoothness. Always opt for sulfate-free shampoos that cleanse gently without compromising on the health of your extensions.

Washing Frequency Matters: Depending on your activity level and the product buildup on your hair, you might not need to wash your extensions as often as you think. Aim for once a week or even once every two weeks, and if your extensions start to look a bit limp or lifeless in between, consider using a dry shampoo to freshen them up.

Condition, But with Caution: While it’s essential to keep your extensions hydrated, be cautious about applying heavy conditioners near the roots or attachment points. It can weaken the bonds or tapes. Instead, focus the conditioner on the mid-lengths and ends.

Cold Water Finale: After washing and conditioning, give your extensions a final rinse with cold water. This helps to seal the cuticles, ensuring they stay shiny and tangle-free.

Air Dry When Possible: Instead of reaching for the hairdryer after every wash, allow your extensions to air dry naturally. This preserves their health and reduces the risk of heat damage.

In essence, washing is a necessary part of haircare, but with extensions, it’s all about quality over quantity. By choosing the right products and spacing out those wash days, you can ensure your extensions remain as radiant and robust as the day you got them. Remember, it’s a balance – give those extensions the care they deserve, and they’ll repay you with flawless, flowing beauty.

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#5 Splash Damage: Pool Days Come With a Warning

Ah, the allure of a shimmering pool on a hot day or the rhythmic sound of ocean waves beckoning for a splash. While these aquatic escapes might be the perfect antidote to the summer heat, they come with a caveat for those with hair extensions.

The Saltwater Sabotage: The ocean may seem like a vast expanse of refreshing wonder, but for hair extensions, it’s a salty nemesis. Saltwater draws moisture from the hair, leading to dry, tangled extensions. Over time, frequent saltwater exposure can leave them looking dull and feeling brittle.

Chlorine’s Chemical Cocktail: Pools are often treated with chlorine to kill bacteria, which is great for hygiene but not so much for your extensions. Chlorine can strip away the protective layer from the hair, leading to discoloration, dryness, and an increased risk of breakage.

Prevention is Key: If you’re planning to take a dip, consider wetting your extensions with fresh water first. This makes them less porous and less likely to absorb as much salt or chlorine. You can also apply a leave-in conditioner or coconut oil as an extra protective layer.

Cap It Off: If you’re an avid swimmer, invest in a high-quality swim cap. While it might not be the height of fashion, it does wonders in keeping the majority of water away from your extensions.

Post-Swim Ritual: After your aquatic adventures, rinse your extensions thoroughly with fresh water. This helps to wash away any residual salt or chlorine. Follow up with a deep-conditioning treatment to restore any lost moisture.

Brush with Care: Wet hair extensions are more prone to breakage. Use a wide-tooth comb to detangle, starting at the ends and working your way up gently. And always wait until they’re dry or just slightly damp before using a regular brush.

Color Preservation: If your extensions are colored, both salt and chlorine can hasten the fading process. Using a color-protecting shampoo and conditioner can help maintain their vibrancy.

Life is too short to skip a refreshing swim or a beach day, but armed with the right knowledge, you can ensure that your hair extensions withstand the splash damage. So, next time you’re gearing up for a day by the water, keep these tips in mind. Your extensions will thank you, and you’ll emerge from the waters looking as fabulous as ever.

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#6 Product Pitfalls: Labels Matter!

Venturing into the world of haircare can sometimes feel like you’re decoding a foreign language. Words like “cyclopentasiloxane” or “dimethicone” might sound alien, but for those with hair extensions, understanding what goes onto your locks is paramount.

Sulfates – The Slick Villains: Found in a multitude of shampoos, sulfates are effective cleansers. However, they’re a little too efficient for extensions. They can strip natural oils, making hair dry and prone to tangling. Look for sulfate-free shampoos that cleanse gently without over-stripping.

Alcohol – The Sneaky Desiccant: Not all alcohols are bad for hair. But short-chain alcohols like ethyl and isopropyl can be excessively drying. They can make extensions brittle over time. Instead, aim for hair products that boast fatty alcohols like cetyl or stearyl alcohol. These can be moisturizing!

Silicones – Double-Edged Swords: Silicones give hair that slick, shiny finish. But they can also build up on extensions, weighing them down and making them look greasy. If you opt for silicone-based products, ensure you also use a clarifying shampoo occasionally to prevent buildup.

Mineral Oil – The Heavy Hitter: While it might seem like a moisturizing marvel, mineral oil can create a film on hair. This prevents beneficial moisture and nutrients from penetrating the hair shaft, leaving extensions lifeless over time.

Parabens – The Preservation Peril: Used to prolong shelf life, parabens can cause scalp irritation in some people. While the jury is still out on their long-term effects, many prefer to avoid them altogether, opting for natural preservatives instead.

Know Your Natural Allies: Ingredients like aloe vera, shea butter, argan oil, and jojoba oil are fantastic for hair extensions. They hydrate, nourish, and protect without the adverse effects of harsher ingredients.

The Test Patch Approach: Even if a product boasts all the right ingredients, it’s wise to do a patch test. Apply a bit of the product to a small section of your extensions and observe for any reactions or changes in texture.

Consult the Pros: If in doubt, chat with your stylist. They’ll have a wealth of knowledge about the best products for your specific type of extensions.

So, next time you’re perusing the haircare aisle, take a moment to flip those bottles around and scan those labels. A little vigilance goes a long way. By selecting the right products, you’re not only pampering your extensions but ensuring they stay lush, vibrant, and gorgeous for as long as possible. After all, they’re an investment in your beauty – treat them like the treasures they are!

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#7 Tight Tugs: Beauty Doesn’t Mean Pain

When it comes to styling, there’s a certain allure to the polished and sleek looks of tight buns, high ponytails, or braided crowns. They speak of elegance and a chic vibe, especially on those days when you want to exude confidence. However, for those with hair extensions, there’s a delicate balance to strike.

Tension Troubles: Consistently pulling your hair into tight styles places constant tension on your natural hair and extensions. Over time, this can weaken the bonds or clips holding the extensions in place, leading to slippage or even breakage.

Follicle Fatigue: Your hair follicles aren’t just passive sockets; they’re living parts of your scalp. Constant tension can irritate them, potentially leading to conditions like traction alopecia, where hair is literally pulled out from the roots.

Natural Hair Wear: Your extensions are attached to your natural hair. When pulled taut regularly, your natural strands bear the brunt of the tension, making them prone to breaking. This can thin out your natural hair over time.

Versatility is Vital: One of the joys of having hair (and extensions!) is the vast array of styles you can experiment with. Loose waves, half-updos, side braids, or just letting it flow naturally can be just as stunning as their tighter counterparts.

Protective Styles: If you’re looking to keep hair out of your face, consider low-stress protective styles. Loose buns, low ponytails, or even braids that aren’t pulled too tight can be both stylish and gentle on your extensions.

Nighttime Care: While we often focus on daytime styles, how you treat your extensions at night matters too. Avoid tight braids or ponytails when sleeping. Instead, a loose braid can prevent tangles without adding undue tension.

Tools and Accessories: Hair ties without metal parts, silk scrunchies, or soft hairbands can secure your hair without causing as much stress or potential damage. Plus, they minimize the risk of tangling or snagging.

Listen to Your Scalp: If you feel constant pain or tension, it’s your body’s way of telling you something’s off. No hairstyle is worth long-term damage or discomfort. Listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

In the vast world of hair styling, remember that variety isn’t just the spice of life—it’s also a way to ensure the health and longevity of your extensions. The occasional tight updo won’t spell disaster, but moderation is key. Embrace the full spectrum of styles available to you, and let both your natural hair and extensions breathe and flourish. After all, true beauty isn’t just about looking good; it’s also about feeling good.

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#8 Sunburned Strands: Hair Sunscreen? Yes, Please!

It’s a well-established fact: our skin needs protection from harmful UV rays. But there’s a lesser-known victim of prolonged sun exposure – our hair. And when it comes to hair extensions, the stakes are even higher. Here’s why.

Hair Structure and Sun Damage: Hair, at its core, is made up of proteins, notably keratin. The sun’s UVA and UVB rays can break down these proteins, making hair weak, brittle, and more susceptible to breakage.

Color Fade: Love that vibrant hue of your extensions? Prolonged sun exposure can dull the color, strip away its shine, and even change its shade. This is especially true for those with colored extensions or highlights.

Dryness and Dehydration: Just as the sun can sap the moisture from your skin, it can do the same to your hair. Extensions, especially, can become parched and lose their natural, silky texture.

Enter Hair Sunscreens: These are products specifically designed to coat the hair and protect it from UV damage. Much like the sunscreen you’d apply to your skin, hair sunscreens provide a barrier between your strands and harmful solar rays.

Application Tips: If using a spray, ensure you cover all areas, especially the ends. If you’re using a cream or serum-based product, run it through your hair with your fingers for even distribution. Remember, consistency is key – reapply if you’re spending the entire day out.

Hats and Scarves: These aren’t just fashion statements! Wide-brimmed hats, caps, and even scarves can act as physical barriers, shielding your extensions from direct sunlight. Plus, they add a touch of style to your summer outfits.

Rinse and Restore: After a sun-soaked day, consider rinsing your extensions with cool water. This helps remove any chlorine, salt, or residues. Follow up with a deep conditioning treatment to restore moisture and vitality.

Stay Hydrated: While external care is crucial, internal hydration plays a role too. Drinking ample water ensures your natural hair and scalp remain hydrated, creating a healthier base for your extensions.

Avoid Sunbathing during Peak Hours: If you can, avoid exposing your hair to direct sunlight between 10 AM and 4 PM, when the sun’s rays are at their strongest.

Embrace Indoor Beauty: Sometimes, giving your extensions a break from the sun can be beneficial. Embrace indoor activities or seek shade when the sun’s intensity is at its peak.

To sum it up, our hair, much like our skin, is vulnerable to the sun’s unforgiving rays. However, with a little foresight and care, you can ensure that your extensions continue to shine, shimmer, and stun – no matter how bright the sun shines. After all, the best accessory to go with beautiful hair is the knowledge of how to care for it.

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#9 Sleeping with Wet Hair: The Tangled Nightmares

We get it. Some nights, all you want to do is hit the sack after a refreshing shower. But when you have extensions, this seemingly innocent routine can become a one-way ticket to Hair Trouble Town. Here’s what you should know:

The Tangle Tango: Wet hair, by nature, becomes more elastic and fragile. As you toss and turn, damp extensions can twist and turn in all directions, leading to potential knots and tangles by morning.

Matting Menace: Beyond just tangling, wet extensions have a higher likelihood of matting together, especially at the root. This can not only make them harder to manage but can also stress the hair they’re attached to.

Mold and Mildew: Believe it or not, if extensions remain damp for extended periods, especially in warm environments, they can become a breeding ground for mold and mildew. This can lead to unpleasant odors and even potential scalp infections.

Hair Breakage Blues: Wet hair is more susceptible to breakage. Combine that with the friction from your pillowcase, and you have a recipe for weakened and broken extensions.

Tips to Avoid the Drama: If you absolutely must wash your hair before bed, consider using a microfiber towel or a t-shirt to gently blot out as much moisture as possible. Avoid aggressive rubbing as this can cause friction and exacerbate potential tangling.

Silk or Satin Pillowcases: These smooth materials can minimize the friction between your extensions and the pillow, reducing potential tangling and matting.

Loose Braids or Buns: If your hair is slightly damp, consider tying it in a loose braid or bun. This can minimize tangling and give you a wave-like texture by morning.

Quick Blow Dry: If time allows, a quick blow-dry on a cool setting can help remove excess moisture without exposing your extensions to damaging heat.

Morning Maintenance: If you’ve slept with damp hair, it’s vital to address any potential tangles or mats in the morning. Using a wide-tooth comb and starting at the ends, gently work your way up to detangle your extensions.

A Hair Care Routine: Regularly applying leave-in conditioners or serums can help maintain the integrity of your extensions, making them less prone to damage, even on those nights when you’re too tired for a full blow-dry session.

In conclusion, while the allure of diving into bed with damp hair after a tiring day is real, the after-effects on extensions can be far from dreamy. Prioritizing a few extra minutes for hair care can save hours of untangling and potential damage control. Healthy extensions are a reflection of careful maintenance. So, next time you’re tempted, remember: wet dreams might be okay, but wet hair dreams? Not so much.

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#10 Storage Secrets: Give Them a Proper Home

Extensions are an investment in beauty and style. And like all valuable investments, they need proper care even when they’re not in use. Let’s explore why and how:

The Importance of Silk or Satin: These materials aren’t just fancy buzzwords; they have a purpose. Silk and satin are smooth, which means there’s less friction when your extensions are stored in them. This reduces the risk of breakage, tangling, and the dreaded frizz.

Breathability: While it might seem logical to store extensions in an airtight bag or box to protect them, they actually need to breathe. A silk or satin bag allows just the right amount of air circulation, ensuring the extensions don’t get stifled or acquire a musty smell.

The Danger of Random Storage: Throwing your extensions in a drawer or leaving them out exposes them to dust, potential spills, and other environmental hazards. Plus, they’re more likely to get tangled, twisted, or caught up with other items.

Storage Prep: Before storing, ensure your extensions are clean and completely dry. Moisture can lead to mold or mildew. Comb them out gently, ensuring there are no tangles. Then, roll or fold them neatly to retain their shape and structure.

Darkness is Bliss: Store your extensions in a dark place. Continuous exposure to light, especially direct sunlight, can fade the color of your extensions over time.

Long-term Storage: If you’re storing your extensions for an extended period, consider periodically checking them. Take them out, give them a gentle brush, and ensure they’re still in perfect condition.

Travel-Friendly: If you’re a frequent traveler, having a dedicated silk or satin bag for your extensions is a game-changer. It ensures they remain protected, untangled, and in top condition no matter where you go.

DIY Hack: If you don’t have a silk or satin bag on hand, an old silk blouse or pillowcase can serve as a makeshift storage solution in a pinch. Just ensure it’s clean and free of any harmful residues.

The Investment Perspective: Remember, the better you take care of your extensions, the longer they’ll last. Proper storage can extend their lifespan significantly, ensuring you get the most bang for your buck.

Show Them Love: Extensions enhance your look and boost your confidence. In return, they ask for just a little TLC. Regular maintenance combined with proper storage ensures they stay gorgeous and serve you well for a long time.

To wrap it up, think of your extensions as a cherished wardrobe piece. Just as you wouldn’t throw a designer dress on the floor after wearing it, give your extensions the respect and care they deserve. Proper storage is more than just about organization; it’s about preserving beauty.

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Hair extensions, much like any treasured accessory, require diligent care and attention. Through our exploration of the top threats—from the silent damage of harsh chemicals to the seemingly innocent act of sleeping with damp locks—we’ve uncovered that these beautiful additions to our hair routine are indeed delicate. But with knowledge comes empowerment. By recognizing these pitfalls and actively steering clear, you’re not just preserving the physical integrity of your extensions but also the vibrancy and flair they bring to your everyday look. Think of it this way: for every hazard avoided, you’re adding days, if not weeks, to the life of your extensions. So, equip yourself with these insights, treat your extensions with the respect they deserve, and in return, they’ll continue to elevate your style and boost your self-confidence. Stay savvy, nurture them well, and watch them work their magic, making every hair flip and swirl shine with brilliance!


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Kaiser Wang

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In the past 26 years, we have helped 55 countries and 2000+ Clients like salon owners, hair store owners, and brand founders to expand their hair extension business.
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